“The future is in your hearts and in your hands. God is entrusting to you the task, at once difficult and uplifting, of working with Him in the building of the civilization of love.” ~ Pope John Paul II

The most important aspect of any Catholic education is the development of Christian values and the traditions of the Catholic faith. We accept this task as the call of the Church and as the primary goal of our school. MSMCS appeals to families of all faiths who desire a deeper relationship with Christ, academic excellence, and spiritual and emotional formation of their child. Our efforts to have these ideals permeate the school environment include:

Sacramental Life
Daily Mass for all is held in the Sisters’ Chapel, right across from our courtyard, or in the school gym.
Monthly Confession is provided by Carmelite friars from Mt. Carmel Center of Dallas.
Sacramental Preparation
Monthly Reconciliation
First Communion in Second Grade
Confirmation every other year for seventh and eighth graders
The Angelus
At noon every day, the entire school stops what it is doing to Pray the Angelus. Even children who are at recess stop what they’re doing to pray!
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)
CGS is offered once a week for our youngest students through Sixth Graders. CGS is based on the liturgy and scriptures and follows the educational philosophy of Maria Montessori. Children ponder scripture together, sing , pray, and choose “hands on” materials to further their meditation on the truths and richness of our Faith. The History of God’s Kingdom is presented to the older students, beginning in First Grade, inviting them to wonder, “What is my place in this great work of God?”

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Every First Friday provides students and teachers alike an opportunity to sit before the Blessed Sacrament in silence, in group prayer, and with song. Each grade takes a turn in our newly renovated Sacred Heart Chapel. There is a respectful silence in the hallway outside the Chapel on First Fridays!
Religion studies:
Religion is a core course of study at MSMCS.
Students are encouraged to commit to serve others. Each class adopts a need in the community, praying for and performing acts of mercy as developmentally appropriate
MSMCS is proud to be a pilot school for The Body Matters, based on St. John Paul’s life-affirming Theology of the Body (TOB).The Body Matters is a teaching tool intended to assist primary educators (parents) in forming their children, and to be inserted into already-existing curricula at Catholic schools. Currently, our Sixth - Eighth Graders use The Body Matters curriculum.